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Training needs analysis – is this employee qualified or unqualified based on prior training and expeirence

Induction Topic / Area / Task Covered

– Company Overview
– Safeguarding / Abuse Notice
– Whistle blowing Procedure
– Staff member is aware of how, where and when to record Service User Information in Birdie
– Aware of location & use of Company Policy and Procedure Manuals (Core, H&S, HR and Local)
– How to obtain Personal Protective Equipment
(PPE) – Security of personal belongings
– Emergency Procedure
– Probabtion Period Explanation
– Annual Training Requirement
– Smoking Policy
– On Call Procedure
– Accidents and Incidents Procedure
– Feedback form details
– Staff Handbook Provided
– ID Badge Provided
Have all the Topics/Areas/Task been covered?
I confirm that the above named staff member has successfully completed their induction process as documented above and is competent to perform their duties, including as a lone worker without direct managerial oversight but with access to on call managerial support and guidance